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In brief
Pikawil (known as Pikawil100 on YouTube and GameFAQs) is a Pooper most infamous for his long-ass poops.
l84em0_MJls|250}} Pikawil's first Youtube Poop. |

He remembers that he first heard of Youtube Poop on MFGG (which, ironically, now hates poops big time. He means it.). Then he wished to do a video outside of his usual MUGEN battles for his 100th video, released on his birthday and Poops they were. And they caught on since.
Until Hit Entertainment decided that Pingu kicking ass and/or getting his ass kicked in MUGEN is a no-no and ransacked his account "Pikawil64" into the ground. And while he did make a new account "Pikawil100", his fame of almost two years went down the drain.
First poop seen
He forgot.
First poop made
Mario and Mama Luigi vs. Mephiles' Retarded Revenge
Preferred Sources
- Doctor Who (New series, though the classic series also got cameos.)
- The exploding head man from Scanners
Preferred Methods
- Ultra-craptacular non-sensical storylines.
- Lots of deaths, explosions and exploding head man.
- Griding your ears. Especially when he runs out of steam.
- The anime n00bs who keep asking what anime are included in his poops.
- Scenes that drag on for too long.
- Ironically, he also happens to occasionally drag scenes for too long.
- And he can get awfully sluggish in poop tennis matches. (Granted, he is quite lazy in real life...)
- The Dalek Emperor Toasts the Universe broke the 90K views mark until the account "Pikawil64" got suspended.
- He also uploaded The Little Panda Fighter so that everyone can witness how horrible it is and poop it afterwards. [1]
In Real Life
Friends? In real life? LOL NO