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Talk:Barack Obama

From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
  • This article is so racist... NinjaCoachZ 07:50, 4 June 2009 (CDT)
    • Nobody ever said anything about his race. Just because he is black doesn't mean that he deserves special treatment. He must meet the same standards as everyone else. Yoshit
  • You gaffots are welcome to try again, but for fuck's sake, have at least an ounce of maturity between you... Catfish 8:46, 1 July 2009.
    • Tell that to Bush-bashers. Yoshit
  • Could we PLEASE keep this page neutral?!? Obama isn't a COMMUNIST, for land's sake! And what's so bad about being liberal, anyway? I don't care how strongly Republican you are, you can't just make a completely biased page one way or another. I have to agree with Catfish that you have the maturity of a two-year old! Why do we even have to fight over this? SuperBowser99
    • To be honest, the only reason why I even wanted to contribute to this in the first place is to try and get some lolzorzcoptorz involved... but now it's just getting too retarded for me. Besides, the only (real) reason why he's even getting all this flack is due to the second coming of the Great Depression made by George W. Bush. And even if we did vote for John McCain instead, his article would've just been bashing about him for being a republican. (BTW, the Mexamericanada stuff is about the rumors of Mexico, the U.S.A., and Canada would become one huge empire and create a new type of money called the Amero. Mexico, the United States of America, and Canada = The (Glorius) Empire of Mexamericanada.) Crazy Luigi

Okay, this has gone on long enough

Do I have to lock this article and get everyone to come up with a compromise or what? Because it's coming to that. Billion 02:20, 2 July 2009 (CDT)

I don't think there should even BE an Obama article

It's obvious how few people there are here who can handle writing this article in at least a semi-mature way. Not only that, but most people here are probably butthurt and braindead to how politics and economics actually work in the first place. I can see a lot of humor coming out of a page like this, but only if it's in the hands of someone with enough know-how when it comes to politics and economics.

Besides, I can probably count on two hands how many times Obama's been pooped, and even then, none of those videos are probably any good.

I say Billion should lock it, at least for now.

Catfish 9:42 CDT, 2 July, 2009