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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
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<!-- This section only relates to poop, use other links for Deviantart etc.-->

Revision as of 21:48, 24 November 2010

NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.

In brief

I am a youtube pooper.


First poop seen

Youtube Poop - Spongebob hates Mama Luigi by actaylorr

First poop made

Youtube Poop : Chocolate With Nuts


It's a bad ass style that no one can beat

Preferred Sources

  • Spongebob
  • Cartoons? Lol

Preferred Methods

  • sentence mixing
  • masking
  • effects
  • Stare Down <-- I don't use it

Preferred Software

Sony Vegas Pro 10.0


Spam, Trolls,and your face



Although Hackybombz has produced many videos, and within relatively short time intervals (typically 1-2 days), the produced videos tend to be under 2:00 in length, often around 40 seconds. Thus, YouTube has not yet seen Hackybombz make a full-length Youtube Poop, only a series of short clips that have marvelous sentence mixing.



In Real Life



KroboProductions,SantaWithGuns, and WalrusGuy


I have too many fans to take track of.

Other Information

I make youtube poops



Other Links