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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
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* Double D Gets Arty []- An Ed Edd n Eddy poop that was my entry into the Alphabet Collab by thewafflemaster. This is where I established my style.
* Double D Gets Arty []- An Ed Edd n Eddy poop that was my entry into the Alphabet Collab by thewafflemaster. This is where I established my style.
* The Ambiguity of Haruhi Suzumiya []- A Haruhi poop. I learned to do a lot more with Begas by here, so this was  a great improvement.
* The Ambiguity of Haruhi Suzumiya []- A Haruhi poop. I learned to do a lot more with Begas by here, so this was  a great improvement.
* Pulpy Fiction [] A Pulp Fiction poop. Well recieved.
* Pulpy Fiction [] A Pulp Fiction poop. Well received.
* A tennis match with Baaulp:
* A tennis match with Baaulp:
Round 2, Billo Calls Face Scottish []
Round 2, Billo Calls Face Scottish []

Revision as of 20:26, 1 August 2008

NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.
this person has no picture

In brief

I enjoy raping videos to death.


One fateful day, I was lurking Youtube, finding videos that were slightly funny, but not satisfying my comedy hunger. While I was searching through Related videos for a video some kid made about IMA FIRIN MY LAZER (which, in retrospect, isn't funny), when I stumbled upon something called a Youtube Poop by Captpan6. "Youtube...Poop?", I said. I spent the next few months learning about YTP, finding out what was poop, and what wasn't. After a while, I worked up the courage and joined the forums and posted my very first poop of a Coldplay music video. It wasn't that good, but it was well-received, and the rest is history.

First poop seen

Teh Lazer Collection by captpan6 [1]

First poop made

The Scientist's Sexy Suspender Striptease [2](Later renamed The Scientist's Stegblob Ripoff)


Fast-paced, lots of effects thrown in, very experimental.

Preferred Sources

  • Face
  • The O'Reilly Factor
  • The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
  • Music videos, mostly Coldplay
  • Pulp Fiction
  • Commercials

Preferred Methods

  • Stuttering
  • Ear Rape
  • Swirl Effect
  • Vibrato
  • Short YTPMV snippets in the middle of a poop.

Prefered Tech



  • Walrusguy and his fanboys.
  • People who copy/paste the deformed middle finger man on trap videos and think they're funny.


Generally positive, even Deepercutt subscribed


My first poop was kind of awful, but people seem to like it anyway.


  • "HAI THEIR" reached 1,000 views.
  • Deepercutt subscribed and sent "The Scientist's Stegblob Ripoff" to all his subscribers.


In Real Life

  • Peligrosa, my sister who joined the forums for 10 minutes just to spite me.


  • Runs a small forum with AmazingCucumber and TheDumbening
  • Very first tennis was with Baaulp.


  • theHappyFungus
  • Gamebop (molhal)
  • Stegblob
  • Squirrelous
  • Gallers
  • NS2


Any one who wants to put their self on here, go ahead.


  • The Scientist's Sexy Suspender Striptease/The Scientist's Stegblob Ripoff [3]- First poop, wasn't that good, but still well liked.
  • Bits of Glass? (DISOWNED)- An entry into the Stutter Collab by XBR4D3NX. Removed due to lack of interest.
  • BUMPYPICKLE IS BUMPY (DISOWNED)- A poop of a home video by my school's drumline. Removed because it was too short and I hated it.
  • HAI THEIR [4]- A poop of Face from Nick Jr. My most popular poop.
  • Face Slowly Becoming G Major (DISOWNED)- My response to the G Major fad. Removed after a vow never to succumb to fads again.
  • Double D Gets Arty [5]- An Ed Edd n Eddy poop that was my entry into the Alphabet Collab by thewafflemaster. This is where I established my style.
  • The Ambiguity of Haruhi Suzumiya [6]- A Haruhi poop. I learned to do a lot more with Begas by here, so this was a great improvement.
  • Pulpy Fiction [7] A Pulp Fiction poop. Well received.
  • A tennis match with Baaulp:

Round 2, Billo Calls Face Scottish [8] Round 4, Bill Nye Wants Those Sweeties [9] Round 6, Eddy Wants TRAINS [10]

  • A WalrusGuy by Youtube Poop [11]- A repoop of WalrusGuy's Perfect Poop entry for the WalrusGuy Collab by shitstaion3. Because I love pissing Walrusboy's fanguys off.

Other Information


  • Is deathly afraid of cockroaches.
  • Will not listen to today's music unless it's Coldplay, U2 or Radiohead. Other than that, it's all 70's and 60's music.
