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==In brief==
==In brief==

Revision as of 17:33, 9 June 2011

NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.

In brief

Totodile493 is a mixed-source pooper that made one of the first (arguably) "good" Family Guy poops.


Totodile493's poop story was a rather standard one. He was over-exposed to common the SPA-DINNER poops and thought that was funny (?) so he made some spa-dinners himself. The first one he ever saw was "Youtube Poop: Registeel" and it's in his favorites. He reportedly found it while looking at Pokemon videos. "Poop. Ha. WTF who would name their video after feces, lawl." His first poop ever was made with Windows Movie Maker and sucked ass. It was the Spingebill episode "Ghost Host." There are consequences for sucking and it got him. Copyright claims. He took the whole "sue" thing very seriously and chickened out and deleted it. He figured out that if you invert it and add random effects, they can't find it, so he made another Spingebill one, "SB-129," and it wasn't even a poop. He somehow didn't notice it until a guy said,"This fucking sucks ass. The actual poop doesn't even start until 2:39 and you repeated it until 2:54." He was right so he took that down too and after churning shits of poops out of his dick and lowering his IQ on spa-dinner Spingebills, he stumbled upon this one poop "Youtube Poop: Jellyfish Jizz" by MeetTheBeaf and it was different. It wasn't like all the others. It was his first exposition to sentence mixing and advanced masking. He had heard of different softwares before but it looked like too much of a hassle. But when MeetTheBeaf told him about all these other good poopers and heard they used Sony Vegas, he downloaded it without skipping a beat. The first poop he ever made with Vegas was a "A Pup Named Scooby Doo" one that he made with his friend and entitled it "Youtube Poop: Scooby Doo Doo." Since that was a practically untapped source at the time, he fucking stole over 11,000 damn views with this piece of shit reverse-raping spa-pingas poop. One comment that got 100 times more thumbs up than his video did said,"The world needs more Scooby Doo poops." So, after churning out moar shit but with reverse and chroma-keying, he looks back on his old stuff, sees how shitty it is, and takes it down. He noticed a change in skill so he experimented (??) and for 2 fucking years! Two damn years! He made all kinds of poops, learning to mask and make better ones. One can say his account went dormant in that time. Disaster struck, however. Being stupid took it's toll and his flash drive disappeared. Some yuppie at the library probably looked at it and said,"This is illegal you know." After waiting for some long poop-less months, he got another flash drive, this time an expensive 8-gig one with an unlosable cap. He reckoned he had enough experience to do some tennising and stuff, but no. No-one accepted his challenges because he didn't have any videos. He did, however find "Chain YTP.wmv" and all it's replies. He made, like, 3 edits and the guy accepted it (?) and that got him his like, 1st real subscriber (what with all the damn spamming tools out there, who knows who gives shits about others' videos?). He churned out slightly more viable poops, though, and not long before he picked up skill. People actually started liking his shit and he made remakes of older ones. Accelerated learning quickly pointed out that the video he made two seconds ago sucked ass, so he quickly deleted it and after quite some time of only having one video, he made a poop so epic, it knocked the tits off that one waitress (???). His fellow yes-no pooper saw it and said,"EPIC! THAT'S TESTCALS!" It was his "Youtube Poop: Spingebill Enters Yrag in a Badly Planned Snail Race." which he might delete once it goes out of style. Next he went daring. He started another chain YTP. This one was "The Camping Episode" of Spingebill. The Snail Race poop attracted the attention of Jurg62. Jurg62 became his mentor, posting a comment 5 minutes after he uploads a video. Totodile493 then made some better ones. While surfing for poops, however, he was highly disappointed at most of the Family Guy poops out there (when this was written, only Link could defeat Ganon) and saw comments saying "Family Guy is already a poop itself" and "You stupid bitchasshoe, you can't poop Family Guy, it's a sacred source that you can't poop" and Totodile493 went "bullshit." He proved those dumbasses wrong with "Youtube Poop: An Age-Delusional Toddler Roams America in Search of a Teddy Bear" which was made out of "Road to Rupert." "Holy crap! A single exclamation mark and all the overused cuss words in the world cannot express this surprise!" he was fucking stunned to find that when he logged on in 2 days, his Family Guy one more than doubled his subscribers from 40 to 88! It got moar comments than he ever dreamed of (11) and 15 rates (13 likes to 2 dislikes). Jurg62's comment was kicked off the charts by all those comments! He became so famous, BarneyisPerverted found his Snail Race video with a comment dripping with praise (kinda). Before he knew it, his e-mail was overloaded and that video had 40 likes. He was so encouraged by these, he rushed his Emo (Nemo) poop. He did pick up one troll while an unpopular spa-reverse pooper. 2 accounts but the same person. He's XenovannHellWolf and Totodile493IsAPedo. He wasn't gonna be a fucking Justin Beaver and whine about it, he simply blocked him (so what if he "wins," fuck that shit). It made him feel good though. He had a troll. Huh. He's that popular to have a troll. Cool. Totodile493 does have other accounts, though. His main alt is VolkswagenBus493 and his secret one is KidRauhlSucksAss.

First poop seen

"Youtube Poop: Registeel" [1]

First poop made

Youtube Poop: Spongebob - Ghost Host


  • Some satanic "G Major"
  • Minor sentence mixing
  • Stutter Loop
  • Ear Rape
  • Stare Down
  • Some Word Trim

Preferred Sources

  • SpingeBill BoxPants
  • Family Dude
  • Xipar Movies

Preferred Methods

  • Pitch Shift to appropriate other characters' mixed sentences to match that of the character it was aimed at next.
  • Pan/Crop
  • Right There

Preferred Software

Sony Vegas


Crafty uses of audio and visual mirrors, Spingebill poops, good poops of sources that aren't usually pooped very well.


Spadinner, flaggers, poopers that never take down their n00b videos, the word "teh," Disney, new Spongebobs, poopers that insult their fans.


Totodile493 has no clue what this part is supposed to mean, but the internet he freeloads off of sometimes quits and gets fair to poor reception.


Frame errors caused by slow computer, accidently overdoing repetition, forgetting the watermark, rushing the end of the video making it too short with sometimes too little jokes.


Doubled his subscribers from 40 to 80 in 2 days by doing one of the first */"good"\* Family Guy poops, getting 11,000+ views with his n00bish "Scooby Doo Doo" poop which was an unpopular source at the time.


Jurg62 gives almost immediate feedback, Skaiope made the first response to his "Chain YTP 2.wmv," participated in the first "Chain YTP.wmv."


MeetTheBeaf, CaptainOhYeah, SantaWithTeeth later on.


  • Your name here*

Poops in Order

His n00b era: "Youtube Poop: Spongebob - Ghost Host" - Very sucky one with WMM. "Youtube Poop: Spongebob - SB129" - Wasn't even a poop. "Youtube Poop: Family Guy - Road to Rupert" - Lotsa censor beeps and CD-i's. His getting out of spadinner era: "Youtube Poop: Tea at the Teadome" - A Spingebill one with Paint Job. "Youtube Poop: Spaghetti Play" - A Burnyard one with Paint Job and pitch changing with speed. Sony Vegas n00b era: "Youtube Poop: Pooping Poopmo Part 1/3" - a Nemo one with few CD-i memes. "Youtube Poop: Pooping Poopmo Part 2/3" - Sequel to above but with slightly skilled reverse. "Youtube Poop: Pooping Poopmo Finale 3/3" - The last part with some masking. "Youtube Poop: Scooby Doo Doo" - What's New Doobie Doo one with a little sentence mixing. "Youtube Poop: Jimmy Neutrino's Retarded Life Part 1/3" - Jimmy Neutrino with mixed qualities. "Youtube Poop: Jimmy Neutrino's Retarded Life Part 2/3" - First time with track motion. "Youtube Poop: Krab a da Mode Part 1/2" - Spingebill with sentence mixing AND CD-i memes. "Youtube Poop: Krab a da Mode Part 2/2" - Spingebill with moar masking and track motion. The lost era: "Youtube Poop: Double Dedede's Deeldo" - De Dee & Dedede one with Chad Warden memes. "Youtube Poop: Hannah Montana Destroys the Mushroom Kingdom" - N00b flash YTP. "Youtube Poop: Malleo Destroys the Mushroom Kingdom" - N00bish flash YTP. "Youtube Poop: Malleo and Weegee Destroy the Mushroom Kingdom" - Less n00bish flash YTP. "Youtube Poop: Thothe Thilly Plumberth" - Moar sentence mixing. The new leaf era:

"Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Chain YTP" -


"Youtube Poop: Doobie Doo Doo" - Remake of older one with less views but less n00by. "Remake of my First YTP" - Good but not great. "Youtube Poop: Yrag Doesn't Want to Bathe With Spingebill" - Good but still not great.

"Youtube Poop: Spingebill Enters Yrag in a Badly Planned Snail Race" -


"Chain YTP 2.wmv" -


"Youtube Poop: Skodwarde Blows All of his Cash on Children's Vending Machine Games" - Too many old memes like Weegee and I'ma firin' ma lazah.

"Flash YTP: Mama Luigi's Dinner Dies!" - Don't be discouraged by the title.


"Youtube Poop: Double Dedede's Cock Gum Works Quite Well"


"Youtube Poop: An Age-Delusional Toddler Roams America in Search of a Teddy Bear" -


"YTP: Fucking Emo Part 1/3" -

